To Abase or Abound

The Enjoyment Budget
3 min readJan 24, 2024


Philippians 2:13 (KJV)

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” — Phillipians 2:13

Proper exegesis will require me to backtrack a bit. What is the context behind this verse? What exactly is Christ strengthening Paul to do?
Verse 12 gives us more information,

“I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things, I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need”

For some of you, if not most, this scripture seems to be the antithesis of all you have learned as a Christian.
I say this from a place of love; you will not always abound. Certain seasons of your life will require your abasement. These seasons will require you to not always have as much as you want.

Raised as a pastor’s kid, my parents were deeply involved in full-time ministry. We had no extended family who could support us, and my father was the firstborn. African households, you should understand what I’m saying.
As you can guess, there were times of plenty and there were times of want. For decades, my parents served faithfully in another man’s ministry, but when it was time, God called us out to bring us into a new work.

“This is not just a transfer; it is the move of my Spirit.”

Regardless of what you see in the church today, there are not many called to head new works. Not many can pay the sacrifice required.
Two children in university, the others on the way. No house of your own, no income stream, but we were to begin a fresh work. GOD IS GOOD!

Without saying more, this is my CV. I place my resume before you.
I have learnt what it means to be deeply in need and to have nothing but hope in a God that supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory. I have also learnt what it means to abound.

This is the Gospel God has called me to preach to you:

For the times ahead, His people must know how to be faithful while they are abased and how to be faithful when He causes them to abound.

This is the message of The Enjoyment Budget.

“God wants you to enjoy every season of your life”

The pathway to this is CONTENTMENT in every season of your life.

Contentment while you are abased. Contentment when you abound.

Such faithfulness requires, beyond spiritual virtue, practical wisdom. This is what The Enjoyment Budget will teach you; practical wisdom keys to help you enjoy every season of your life in the areas of food and money.

The Enjoyment Budget proposes a LIMITLESS MINDSET. A mindset rooted in faith in the only Living God who:

1. Has come that you might have life more abundantly (John 10:10).

2. Gives you freely, liberally, without restraint all things to enjoy (2 Timothy 6:17).

3. Has called you to glory and promises that after you have suffered a while, He will perfect, strengthen, establish and settle you (2 Peter 5:10).

So dearly beloved of God, join me and the Holy Spirit on this journey as we learn the practical steps to living an abundant life, a life truly beyond limits. We’re so glad you’re here.

Yours in Christ,

M & H.S

